Saturday, March 1, 2014

Nothing has really changed in seventeen years.... Except everything.

I have never felt old until I went to the OB/GYN after the age of 35 with my second pregnancy. On my chart is "Advanced age". That stings a little I must say.

Although we are completely thrilled to finally be starting a family of our own, somewhere deep down we are both wondering if we are going to survive round two. 'At our advanced ages', we totally know what to expect because we already did kids.......Several times before but on the other hand that was back when things seemed a little simpler and we had loads more energy.  Now they have gadgets to do things we never dreamed of! Do we need all this crap?

We have decided to stick to the basics because lets face it you can't teach an old dog new tricks and if it worked the first go round why fix it. One of our recent decisions went like this:

Because I am a tree hugging homesteading nature loving hippy everyone naturally assumes I will be using cloth diapers. After a long painful deliberation with my husband we have decided to take the easy way out go with disposable because we are both pretty sure we will be too tired to do any extra laundry.

Our friend, Kevin,the other night asked where the nursery is going to be. Because we are in the middle of building our house we will just put the crib in our finished room up against our bed. Easier to nurse that way I say. Kevin said he doesn't believe in co sleeping. Well I don't believe in getting out of my nice warm bed 3 times a night to wander down a dark hallway to feed a screaming kid. Again laziness wins.

We are fortunate to have the experience to know our parenting styles well enough not to be fooled into thinking we will be super hero parents that do everything right. Kids and babies are messy, if we have learned anything from the past it is to embrace the easy way.

I had however forgotten that being pregnant is totally inconvenient. You can't drink wine, you pee yourself every time you _______ (insert: cough, sneeze, turn the wrong way....etc.) and you can't wipe your butt very easily which makes for extra long bathroom trips prompting my husband to ask if I am "OK". "Not really honey I may need some assistance in wiping my ass...Any volunteers?.....No one."

This will surely be an adventure that will most likely be extensively documented in our adult children's therapy sessions in years to come.

Wish us luck.

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