Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why Face Book is killing my social life.

It finally happened! I got my feelings on Face Book. I didn't see it coming, after all I am above all that shit right? Wrong-O!

So it all happened when a friend that I don't see much de-friended me. I couldn't figure out why. I sent a thoughtful message and this is what I got:

"Oh Gees,this is fb you know,not real life.Besides its not like we message back and forth anyhow. Don't get your feeler hurt,besides what is the point of this anyhow.
You have something to say to me use the phone. FB is stupid."

You know what? You're right friend. Social contact with people is non-existent any more. My phone won't ring for days! I say - Thank you friend. It took a friend to show me the errors of my ways.

Recently contact with the outside has been smaller and smaller. Truthfully when people stop by it spurs irritation rather than happiness. What is happening to me? The fake FB world is now the preference. Instead of liking FB because long distance contact can be maintained, it has overruled everyday relationships.

Some changes need to be made. Remove my profile? Is that overkill? Limit FB time to 1 hour a week?

Perhaps a little break is in order? Maybe I can have my husband change my password to remove temptation?

*Update on the less than thoughtful message from my friend. This friend had a pretty shitty summer and sent me a very thoughtful message that apologized for the less than tactful previous message. I dropped a funny card off to him but we are still not friends on face book. Good. I prefer him to be a real friend anyway.

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