Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Family the second worst "F" word

I was born into a family that, on my fathers side, has given me 12 aunts and uncles and countless cousins. Some alive, some passed, all whom just couldn't take me for one reason or another when they found out I was in foster care at the age of 3. Every one of them I have spoken with has explained to me how they are really sorry and wished they could have helped me out but they are so glad that things turned out OK.

I am writing this to tell you, "I am NOT OK!" Your conscience should not be clear and you should absolutely feel like an ass. That's right I said it. How do you like me now?

I was bounced in and out of 7 foster homes and back and forth to the orphanage several times. My childhood sucked.

All I every really wanted was a family. I have tried to create relationships with 'blood' - family members but it seems that they all think I am the jerk. Perhaps it is my 'Take no crap attitude' or the fact that I will 'Tell you like it is' is not what you want to hear. Either way I have been cast aside again by the very family that couldn't be bothered to help me out the first go round.

"The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." This is a quote that comes to mind when I think of my dear ole Bright family. I do not however subscribe to the theory of heaven or hell so the meaning of this quote has very immediate meaning for me, meaning your hell starts the minute you selfishly turn away from a fellow human in need. You will grow sickness and unhappiness because after all you reap what you sow. 



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